Sunday 14 March 2010

Online Money Making System - The Top Three

One of the fastest ways to Internet marketing success is to find a good, workable online money making system and stick with it. The beauty of the Internet is its almost infinite variety of ways to use money making programs. Here's three popular systems that work for thousands of people. They can work for you too.

1. Online money-making communities are growing in popularity. These are usually membership sites with recurring monthly charges, which range from several hundred dollars a month at the top end down to around $30 a month at the lower end.

While you might expect the more expensive membership sites to be the better ones, it's not always the case. I know of one such community where they pay almost $500 a month, and it's pure chaos so far. But hope springs eternal, and that's what spurs members on, I guess.

On the other hand, I know of several membership communities at the lower end of the pay scale where the founders actually give one-to-one mentoring if required! That's something almost unheard of in Internet terms! In short, online money-making communities are not all equal, and cost is not necessarily an indicator of quality. The lesson here is choose carefully if you wish to consider this kind of system.

2. Pay-per-click (PPC) is another system that is not just for the big boys with fat wallets. It can be a very lucrative way to lever profits, if you know what you are doing. There are many ebooks available that describe how to use PPC effectively, some better than others. If you are interesting in applying this kind of system, you should seek out one aimed at the beginner. One that details in a step-by-step way exactly how to use PPC to make a profit online.

The good news is that there are a few available that do just that. But unfortunately, there are also many ebooks on PPC that fly over the heads of most mortals and will only confuse you in the end. So again, choose carefully.

3. List building is coming back into fashion, though it never really went out. You may have heard the saying, "the money's in the list," well, it's true. However, this system is really for the intermediate to advanced marketer, though beginners should not ignore list building altogether.

There are a number of good ebooks and courses available on list building, but I would advise seeking out one that is aimed at the less experienced marketer. If you can build yourself a sizeable responsive list, then you should have no problem marketing to it. It's well worth the effort, but it does take a bit of time.

There are many other ways to make a profit online. You should find the online money making system that suits you best and stick with it, whether it's a good membership community dedicated to making money quick online, a system using pay-per-click, or a list building campaign. They all work extremely well -- it's your choice.

John Coutts is an experienced expert author. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about what makes a good online money making system from this resource.

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