Sunday 14 March 2010

Online Money Making System - The Top Three

One of the fastest ways to Internet marketing success is to find a good, workable online money making system and stick with it. The beauty of the Internet is its almost infinite variety of ways to use money making programs. Here's three popular systems that work for thousands of people. They can work for you too.

1. Online money-making communities are growing in popularity. These are usually membership sites with recurring monthly charges, which range from several hundred dollars a month at the top end down to around $30 a month at the lower end.

While you might expect the more expensive membership sites to be the better ones, it's not always the case. I know of one such community where they pay almost $500 a month, and it's pure chaos so far. But hope springs eternal, and that's what spurs members on, I guess.

On the other hand, I know of several membership communities at the lower end of the pay scale where the founders actually give one-to-one mentoring if required! That's something almost unheard of in Internet terms! In short, online money-making communities are not all equal, and cost is not necessarily an indicator of quality. The lesson here is choose carefully if you wish to consider this kind of system.

2. Pay-per-click (PPC) is another system that is not just for the big boys with fat wallets. It can be a very lucrative way to lever profits, if you know what you are doing. There are many ebooks available that describe how to use PPC effectively, some better than others. If you are interesting in applying this kind of system, you should seek out one aimed at the beginner. One that details in a step-by-step way exactly how to use PPC to make a profit online.

The good news is that there are a few available that do just that. But unfortunately, there are also many ebooks on PPC that fly over the heads of most mortals and will only confuse you in the end. So again, choose carefully.

3. List building is coming back into fashion, though it never really went out. You may have heard the saying, "the money's in the list," well, it's true. However, this system is really for the intermediate to advanced marketer, though beginners should not ignore list building altogether.

There are a number of good ebooks and courses available on list building, but I would advise seeking out one that is aimed at the less experienced marketer. If you can build yourself a sizeable responsive list, then you should have no problem marketing to it. It's well worth the effort, but it does take a bit of time.

There are many other ways to make a profit online. You should find the online money making system that suits you best and stick with it, whether it's a good membership community dedicated to making money quick online, a system using pay-per-click, or a list building campaign. They all work extremely well -- it's your choice.

John Coutts is an experienced expert author. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about what makes a good online money making system from this resource.

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How to Work Online From Home and Earn Money Online, Work at Home Making Money Now

There are many different and varied ways of earning money whilst online, and if all used suitably and correctly you could easily make a living just working at home using the Internet. With some of the online jobs, perseverance will be the key: don't just give up after a few days of answering paid surveys when you get frustrated seeing your account balance still sitting empty. Simply put, these methods of earning money online are guaranteed to work, but you must be a patient person. Don't expect instant results, and don't simply expect to sit back and watch the money roll in; nothing in life is this simple, you have to put a lot of work into things before you start to see any positive developments.

One of the first things you should do is to join a free paid survey website. There are several well known paid survey sites that are completely free to join and use, and upon entering some simple questions on their website you should start getting emailed surveys, usually around 3 or 4 times a week. Complete these surveys and eventually your account balance will get updated (this isn't instant, so don't panic when you appear to have earned no money as usually it takes a week or so to be included in your earnings). A paid survey completed will earn you around £4 from about 30 minutes work. If you complete around 4 in a week, then this is £16 a week from paid surveys. Obviously not a large amount, but if you were to join a second, or a third paid survey site, then you could be doubling or tripling your earnings. Potentially you could be earning £48 a week from about 4 or 5 hours work. This is a payout rate of about £9 an hour which isn't too bad. Any of the surveys completed are usually multiple choice, and are very simple to complete. Sometimes they are even enjoyable, involving watching clips from the latest movie trailers and giving relevant feedback.

Another simple but effective little earner is writing product reviews online. There are a few sites that pay people to write online product reviews, and I really recommend that you join each of these paid to review sites. They are completely free to join and use and you can usually earn around 3 or £4 per review written. If the review is of a very good quality you might also receive part of a prize fund at the end of the month, which is usually around £10 extra per review written.

After joining a free paid review website, you should decide on a product to review. There are thousands of products listed on the website, including various items such as foodstuffs, toiletries, computer games, DVD players, websites, restaurants, etc. When you have decided and located a product to review, write the review and post it on the website. You earn money every time another user reads and then rates one of your reviews - so make sure you read and rate lots of other members' reviews in the hope that they return the favour. I've estimated that you can earn around £4 per hour on a paid to review website, you could spend around 30-40minutes writing a top review and then 25 minutes or so reading and rating other members' reviews. The best thing about the paid review websites are that they are very similar, and they allow reviews posted on one website to be posted on the next. So if you write a review on one site, you can copy and paste it on to the next, doubling your earnings. Therefore I think you could probably earn on average around £6 per hour at a paid review website.

Another of the ways to earn money online is by using a cashback website. Usually with a cashback website the only way to earn money is by spending money: you get cash back every time you make a transaction online. However you can earn money just joining free websites, all you have to do is complete some forms online to sign up to the free sites. I recommend creating a new free email account, as you will receive quite a lot of junk emails from joining these sites. There is around £30 to earn from free to join websites, and although this wont take you long to get through there are easily another 5 or 6 cashback websites you can use, and can do exactly the same thing with. This could earn you around £15 per hour, although it won't last forever.

Cashback websites also have another section, usually called the "recurring points" part of the site. This is where you can click links and advertisements to other websites and earn money for doing so. You usually earn around 8pence per link clicked, and in a few minutes you can click all the links (usually around 10 links). Some links can be clicked more than once per day, so usually you can earn around £1.50 at each cashback website in about 5 minutes. Say you join 5 cashback websites; this could earn you £7.50 in half an hour, every day. Not bad for simply clicking a few website links every day.

Paid forum posting is another way of earning money online. Some website owners are willing to pay people to post messages in specific online forums; this is because it allows them to advertise their own personal website in the signature part of your username. Every time you make a post on a forum (if allowed) your signature usually follows you. This is a free piece of space that you can use to write something or advertise a website link. It is a very valuable piece of space that can be used for free advertising, and so the more posts that you can submit then the more free advertising is available. It can also help the website owner when it comes to the search engine rankings, giving that website hundreds more backlinks. Paid forum posting usually pays around 10pence per post submitted, and so with 100 posts you can earn £10. This can easily be achieved in 1 or 2 hours, thus earning a rate of £5 per hour spent doing paid forum posting.

Working online doing data entry jobs is another way to earn money online, though it is often very hard finding legitimate data input jobs on the Internet. Most of them are scams, and will try and charge you just for joining, or the information about joining. Never pay for any kind of job seen online. Usually you can find simple data entry jobs at webmaster forums, as some people don't have the time or can't be bothered to do simple but boring data entry. You should expect to earn around £6 per hour spent entering data, but this really depends on the job that you find as it really depends on the employer.

Usually most of the data entry jobs found on web forums will only last an hour or two, so they aren't the most reliable form of income though you can normally find several data input jobs advertised on website-owner forums.

Mystery shopping isn't strictly a job which you can do directly from your computer, though you will need to find and apply for a mystery shopping position using the Internet. Mystery shopping will involve going to a shop or premise with a view of purchasing an item or service, and then going away and reviewing the whole experience. You need to report back to your employer with your findings, and on doing so you can expect to earn around £15 for your troubles. This works out at around £7 an hour, although with Mystery Shopping it is hard to do it constantly and regularly. Don't expect regular mystery shopping opportunities, you might be lucky enough to be invited once a week or less.

Online betting is another method of earning money online, but this way doesn't involve any risks or gambles. Arbitrage is a way of betting so that you back all possible outcomes of an event, and will always end up with a profit from doing so. It involves scanning through odds at online bookmakers, and when you find odds that are higher at the bookmaker than at an exchange, then you have found yourself an arb. This is the most time consuming part of the job, and thankfully there are free forums that can be used where by people will post arbs for others to use. Arbing also involves betting large amount of money; the more you can afford to bet, the more profit you can expect. To earn any kind of decent money from arbing then you need a few thousand pounds spare which you are free to invest for the period that you are arbing. An example of an arb could be odds on Man Utd to win at 2.5 at Ladbrokes, and odds to lay Man Utd to win at 2.3 at Betfair (an exchange). If you place £1000 on Man Utd to win at Ladbrokes and you lay this at Betfair with £1000, if Man Utd win you have £1500 profit at Ladbrokes and a loss of £1300 at Betfair. This is an overall profit of £200 just from one arb found, which is very good going from just a few minutes work. Unfortunately arbs like this don't come along very often, and when they do they don't last long. You can expect to earn around £5 per hour spent arbing, but this depends on the amount of arbs you are able to discover.

The final method of earning money online that we will discuss here is by advertising on free webspace. Anyone can join the Blogger website for free, and can post information on to their own blog. Then they can apply for the Google AdSense program directly on the website, and so they can start earning money just from adverts placed on their free blog site. If you are able to upload interesting, unique web content and manage to get regular traffic to your website then you can expect to earn around £5 or £10 a day from your free website, which isn't bad going for minimal effort. Obviously the hardest part of this is managing to get people to come to your website, and tempting them into clicking the Google adverts. However if you do manage all of this, you can expect to be earning at least £5 a day from adverts placed on your website.

Overall there is a lot of free money available to earn using the Internet. Even from the paid review website you could be earning around £5 an hour and this is just one way to earn money online. You can also be earning around £50 a week from paid survey sites, and then around £40 a week from cashback websites recurring clicks. Then you could be earning about £50 a week from paid forum posting, and then about £30 a week from online data entry jobs. Then there's the online arbing, which can earn you an endless amount of money. Anyone can easily be earning £150 a week from arbing. Then on top of this you can be earning money from your free webspace, which could be around £70 a week. This is a grand total of around £400 a week, which is an excellent amount of money considering the little effort required working online from home.

Learn how you can earn money online answering paid surveys by email, writing product reviews, and by earning cashback every time you shop online; learn more ways to work online from home and join these sites for free today.

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Thursday 11 March 2010

earn money online

High Ticket Coaching - Big Money Working From Home

What if you discovered how to boost the selling power of your coaching program starting today? Do you want to know what it takes to make massive income online selling coaching? The purpose of this article is to show you how easy it is to make huge income online starting a simple coaching program. Here are 5 simple steps to get you started right now with a step-by-step formula.

Step 1 - Checkout the demand and competition in your niche.

Step 2 - Evaluate the exact problems your niche audience is facing.

Step 3 - Gather content and create resources along with a membership site.

Step 4 - Have one-on-one coaching sessions ready and learn how to set them up.

Step 5 - Provide one-on-one private coaching to your clients when they are in need.

The purpose of this article is to show you how Internet gurus make money selling simple high ticket coaching. Here are step-by-step details that you can apply quickly and easily...

Step 1 - Checkout the demand and competition in your niche.

There are many ways that you can use to check the demand and competition of your niche. You can use the power of online services like Wordtracker which will show you what the existing demand of your niche audience is. You can use search engines like Google and search for your main keyword, this will show you the number of competing sites that exists in your niche. It is extremely important to know the exact problems that your niche audience is facing; this will provide you ideas to set up your coaching...

Step 2 - Evaluate the exact problems your niche audience is facing.

Visit online forums and participate in the discussion, you will come to know the exact problems that your niche audience is facing. You can also visit Yahoo answers and search for your main niche keyword and this will show you exactly what questions people are asking in your niche. Content development is the foundation of your coaching success; learn how to write powerful content starting today...

Step 3 - Gather content and create resources along with a membership site.

Grab quality e-books as well as subscribe and quality newsletters in your niche. You can also grab help from an expert to get quality content to provide it to your coaching clients. Get ideas from the sources and this will make you rapid income from your coaching program. Here one-on-one coaching sessions is the key to make you big money from your coaching program...

Step 4 - Have one-on-one coaching sessions ready and learn how to set them up.

You can use the power of teleseminars, webinars, group coaching calls, one-on-one chat sessions, etc to provide one-on-one coaching to your coaching clients. Make sure that you provide personalized private coaching to solve individual problems of your clients...

Step 5 - Provide one-on-one private coaching to your clients when they are in need.

It is important to provide a private one-on-one phone consultation to every client at least once a month to solve their individual problems.f

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed by brand new few guide "How to Generate a Full Time Income Online Selling Your Coaching Services".

Download it free here: How to Sell Coaching

Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide


Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"

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